Women were known to manage farms or businesses in the absence of their husbands or sons.
Most women belonged to the peasantry and worked alongside their husbands. Bread- and beer-making (made of fermented bread) were usually women's tasks.
Work Kitchen model women workers grinding, baking, and brewing. Women at the royal court gained their positions by relationship to male kings. Only a few women are known to have important positions in administration, though there were female rulers and even female pharaohs. However, Ancient Egypt was a patriarchal society dominated by men. They could own property and were, at court, legally equal to men. Women in ancient Egypt had some special rights other women did not have in other comparable societies.
The wife and mother of the nobleman Userhat depicted receiving offerings, tomb of Userhat ( TT51) Overview about the position of women in ancient Egypt Queen Meritamen statue at Akhmim.